A digital garden?
“Why a digital garden”, you might ask. I asked myself the same question. And I don’t know if I have a clear answer, but I know that I want to write more and write freely. In case someone ends up on my site and finds something useful, it will make me very happy to know that.
I noticed that I tend to spend a lot of time moving from one thing to another and writing them down helped me memorize things. My attention span has slowly but steadily devolved over the years. So I needed to find a way to focus more on the input-output process of my mind, if there is such a thing. I needed something that allowed me to write freely and see if the things I read or watch or consume in one way or another are of any use to me. I also consider myself a permanent learner, and I want to share with others the things I’m learning about. Speaking of which, I found out about a method of reading on the Zettelkastten.de site. I’ve added a small note about it here: About Reading
I’ve been taking notes with Obsidian.md and I’ve been trying a few other solutions to create some sort of a personal knowledge system. I’ve stuck with Obsidian as I think it’s an amazing tool, with a great and welcoming community to support it.
I have a local Obsidian vault, where I keep notes in Romanian. This one will be in English and I’ll probably translate some of the Romanian notes and add them here too. That’s also the place where I keep my podcast notes. By the way, if you can understand Romanian and you’re interested in creative coding, I have been doing this little podcast called “Tab & Space“. I’m working on a new episode that I will release (hopefully) next week.
For the moment, I won’t touch the design of this space. I will probably change some things, but this isn’t my priority right now.
Next steps
This place will probably change a lot in the following weeks. Content will appear, disappear and be moved around. I want to let it grow organically, but I would also like to know some things about the people that might end up here. I’ve decided not to use any unnecessary tracking scripts, cookies or anything like that. I found out about plausible.io recently so I will give it a go. They say they are a “simple and privacy-friendly alternative to Google Analytics”. I’ve already added a script to my main domain, and I’m adding their script to this place now. One of the things that I liked from the start about Plausible is the fact that’s extremely easy to configure.
Probably in a week or so this place will have more content added to it. I also need to find a way to automate my workflow so I can publish directly to this place.
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